Grounding for Inner Connection Practice

guided meditation podcast episode

Episode 10: Grounding for Inner Connection Part 2




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Welcome to Mindful Eating and Inner Healing,


Welcome to part 2 of the power of grounding. Today, I'll be sharing a beautiful grounding practice that will help you connect your mind and body. If you missed part 1, don't worry, I'll give you a quick recap of what grounding is all about before we dive into the practice. Once you've listened to the episode and would like to come back to enjoy the practice only then start the episode at 5 minutes 50 seconds. This is where the grounding practice starts.

What is Grounding?

Grounding is the practice of coming into your body, feeling present, and being able to identify sensations inside and outside of your body. It's a way to create a deep, authentic connection with yourself and understand the language of your body.

Benefits of Grounding

  •  Provides a foundation to navigate and balance stress
  •  Allows you to be fully aware of what's going on within
  •  Helps create lasting change in behaviours and triggers related to eating

Grounding Meditation Practice

To prepare for the grounding meditation, find a comfortable seated or lying position where you won't be distracted for the next 10 minutes. You can choose to close your eyes or keep them open. Here's a step-by-step summary guide to the practice:

  1. Settle into Your Position: Close your eyes or soften your gaze, lengthen your spine, and let go of any tension in your body.
  2. Connect with Your Breath: Notice the breath moving in and out through your nose, and become aware of the rise and fall of your belly with each breath.
  3. Sweep Awareness Through Your Body: Gently guide your mind through your body, paying attention to any sensations that arise.
  4. Grounding Earth Energy: Imagine sending energetic roots from your body into the earth, drawing up grounding earth energy with each breath.
  5. Stay Present with Your Body: Allow your body to be a home base for your mind, and return to this practice whenever you need to feel grounded and connected.
  6. Closing the Practice: When you're ready, gently open or focus your eyes, take a comforting look around, and feel the grounding connection and love within you.


I hope you enjoyed this grounding practice today. In next week's podcast, I'll be sharing another grounding practice to help you befriend and open up to the language and sensations of your body. Thank you for listening, and have a beautiful week ahead.

From my heart to yours, Larissa

Feel free to share this practice with anyone who may need it. It's a great tool to use when feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or in need of a moment to feel present and connected.

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Larissa xx

P.S If you love to read the transcript has been included below.


Our Fave Episode Quotes


 "Understanding this beautiful practice of grounding allows us to create deep, authentic connection with ourselves."


"When we understand ourselves at an ever greater deeper level, then we have a platform to create lasting change instead of just getting wrapped up in the next fad diet thinking that that's the answer to all of our problems"


"Grounding when it comes to mindful eating is really important because we wanna start to navigate and understand the language of our body."



Podcast Transcript

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